iPad application of
Kolobok for children! |
Dear friends,
We have created an iPad
application of Kolobok for children! With the Apple iPad platform,
making children’s books accessible to speakers of different
languages has never been easier. Our multilingual app is available
in the Apple store now, just in time for the holidays!
Our iPad implementation is perfect for your little polyglot. You
can select your language (English, Spanish, Russian, Chinese, or
Pinyin) at the beginning or switch to any of the other languages
on any page. The controls are simple and intuitive, so you can read
the story to your kids yourself or give them a chance to master
it on their own. You can also use the “Autoplay” mode
to listen to our pre-recorded narration in any language and follow
along with the text.
At only $4.99, our application makes a wonderful gift –
a perfect digital stocking stuffer! Read more about it and get it
from the App Store here: www.lingvaerium.com/applications/.
the fun and whimsical adventures of Kolobok as he hops between the
silky-smooth pages on the screen. We will continue to work with
our development group to add more fun and educational features in
the future to delight you and your kids.

Lingvaerium made a
splash at the ACTFL! |
November 19-21
– This year Lingvaerium made a splash at the ACTFL (American
Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages) Annual Convention
at the Hynes Convention Center in Boston! We met world language
educators from around the country, from Alaska to California to
Florida. Talking with Russian teachers from Alaska was particularly
inspiring: they have asked us to create more books and materials
for Russian and multicultural classrooms. We were happy to discover
that people from all over the country appreciate the beauty and
educational value of our books! We agree that literature is best
when produced locally by and for our country’s teachers, and
we will continue to publish materials to support their efforts.
There were many Chinese-language teachers who visited our booth
during the book-signing event that we held with one of our distributors,
Asia For Kids/Culture For Kids. We learned something new about our
Chinese edition of Kolobok – the teachers’ feedback
was that the book is a suitable resource not only for Chinese families
but also for intermediate-level learners. To help Chinese schools
even more, we plan to add Pinyin transcriptions to the Chinese edition.
Most of all, we were glad to hear positive feedback about the
authenticity of our book and its strong ties to our rich Russian
heritage. And although we intended our teachers’ guide for
English and ELL classrooms, we found that foreign-language teachers
highly appreciated our idea of using student theater and wanted
to apply this activity to their own classrooms. To support them,
we are working on adaptations of the guide for Russian, Chinese
and Spanish classes.
If you were among the 6,000 visitors to the convention, thank
you for coming to meet us!
fsdfsdf |
Introducing the Kolobok
Teacher’s Guide |
The long-awaited
companion workbook to our beloved children’s book is here!
Following popular demand from teachers across New England, we have
created a Teacher’s guide and workbook to accompany our book
in classrooms and other educational settings.
Teacher’s Guide is 32 pages filled with 10 fun and educational
lessons for elementary-level children (grades K-2). Each lesson
features a thorough plan for teachers to follow and a handout to
help guide assessment. The lessons range from Recipes to Capitalization
to Reader’s Theater and connect ingeniously to the little
world of Kolobok. They include guiding Kolobok through a perilous
preposition filled obstacle course and stick figures to assist re-telling
Kolobok’s story. No two lessons are the same: they include
a variety of literary skills, open-ended ideas, and content in the
areas of science, English language arts, geography and foreign cultures.
Simple illustrations and a wide difficulty range of activities within
the lessons make them accessible to kids of all ages.
We hope that our Teacher’s Guide will become an indispensable
resource for educators who wish to share the charm of Kolobok’s
tale with their students. |
will attend an exciting trifecta of events this fall, beginning
with the Frankfurt
Book Fair 2010. This book fair will take place from October
6-10 in Frankfurt, Germany. The motto of the event is “Best
Practice – New Ideas.” We certainly believe that Kolobok’s
innovative multilingual design is a cutting-edge idea in the field
of children’s literature. Although we will not be at the fair
in person, our book will be presented alongside others that push
into “terra incognito” in the modern book publishing
next event on our schedule is the New
England Library Association (NELA) Annual Conference from October
17-19. We will be in attendance during the three days of the conference,
which promises to be jam-packed with presentations on a similar
theme to the Frankfurt Fair: “Outside the Box: Results, Support,
Sustainability.” Come visit us in the Holiday Inn of Boxborough,
next month we are very glad to participate in the American
Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) Annual Convention
and World Languages Expo. This is the self-proclaimed event
of the year for language educators! The expo will be held November
19-21 at the Hynes Convention Center in Boston, MA. Thousands of
language educators and businesses are expected, with many chances
to network in a productive setting. As in the TESOL Convention last
spring, we will set up a booth at the Expo to show off our new Teacher’s
Guide for Kolobok as well as our upcoming projects. We couldn’t
be more excited for this extraordinary exposition. See you there!
Share the joy of reading:
dress up in a T-Shirt
with a picture of your favorite character - Kolobok! |

Summer is here!
What better way to enjoy the season than by running around outdoors?
Kids, if you're not covered in grass stains by the end of the day,
you're not having enough fun! Parents, you asked for them and they're
finally here: t-shirts that are durable, light, and perfect for
hot summer weather. We've teamed up with our wonderful local printer
to bring your children linguistic magic that they can proudly wear.
Available in all kids' sizes, these shirts show a bright, colorful
illustration from our book (for adults, we will soon print the same
shirts we wore at the recent TESOL Conference in Boston).
t-shirts for your children from Lingvaerium Books today! Show
off your love of reading and languages to your friends - take Kolobok
with you wherever you go. We DARE you to have so much fun that your
brand-new white or gray shirt turns green from the grass stains
- just don't wander too far into the woods! |
Hooray! Lingvaerium Books and everyone’s favorite Russian
pastry, Kolobok, were a great success at the annual Teachers of
English to Speakers of other Languages (TESOL) International Convention.
Educators and visitors from all over the world came to Boston, Massachusetts,
during the weekend of March 24-27, 2010, to discover and learn about
our fresh new contribution to multilingual children’s literature.
We met a great many new fans at our fun little booth in the middle
of the huge Boston Convention & Exhibition Center – we
enjoyed every minute of the eye-opening event! We were excited to
meet teachers from all over the United States, and from Russia,
Ukraine, Turkey, Peru, Australia, Costa Rica, Argentina, Iraq, Brazil,
China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Bahrain, Mexico, Israel, Syria, Panama,
Japan, Kuwait, Algeria, Canada, Venezuela, Mongolia, Honduras, United
Kingdom, Algeria, Peru, Montenegro, Croatia, Egypt, Spain, Nepal,
Qatar. TESOL really was an international convention! Although our
booth was rather small, we made it bright and colorful to match
our logo and Kolobok’s personality, and we put all of our
innovative books on display. Everyone was curious to see what all
the buzz was about, and everyone who visited our exhibit seemed
impressed by all that we’ve accomplished as a young company.
At the end of the day, we even won a fruit basket and an award
for the “Most Exciting Booth”! Since over a hundred
companies, most a lot bigger and more established than us, made
appearances and fashioned exhibits at the show, this award was a
real honor; we were both surprised and overjoyed that our efforts
paid off in such a big way. We are tremendously grateful for the
wonderful opportunity this convention gave us to spread the word
about Kolobok and about all the services we are eager to provide
for other multilingual book publishers. Nowhere else could we have
found so many new friends and fans all at once, from so many countries
around the world! Thank you, TESOL, and a huge thanks to all our
visitors and fans. We hope you had a good time, and we hope to see
you again next year! |
Lingvaerium Books Is
Attending the 2010 TESOL Convention! |
The Teachers of English to
Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) 44th annual worldwide convention
is right around the corner, and our very own Kolobok will be making
a joyful and tasty appearance! The convention, free and open to
all visitors, will take place March 24-27 at the Boston Convention
& Exhibition Center in Boston, MA. Lingvaerium Books cordially
invites all of our fans to stop by our cheerful corner of the hall,
booth #749, alongside such established publishing
houses as Houghton Mifflin Harcourt and Rosetta Stone. The 4-day
international convention “promises to be an information-packed,
exciting and richly rewarding experience for all who attend,”
with hundreds of exhibits, workshops, forums and educational seminars.
To coincide with such an important, far-reaching event, Lingvaerium
Books will debut our new company slogan – Publish
• Design • Develop – and introduce several
new services that we will offer to ESL instructors and foreign language
teachers. Branching out from our traditional children’s book
publishing endeavor, we will now offer book designing and production
services, as well as graphic design and website design. We can oversee
and help with any part of the production process, from layout to
printing. And to better reach out to the academic community, we
will specialize in developing school websites plus lesson plans
involving the fun characters of our books!
Come visit Kolobok’s booth at the TESOL convention and you
will get a firsthand look at the wonderful instructive materials
that we have already developed for elementary schools and ELL tutors.
Not only are these lesson plans based on TESOL educational standards,
but they also encourage understanding and appreciation of the folklore
and fairy tales that we love. From ideas for skits to coloring pages
to family reading projects, we’ll have many amusements on
display that you won’t want to miss! |
Kolobok is here! |
Now, you and your child can
both experience the beauty of Russia’s rich linguistic legacy
without leaving your 21st century home. In this innovative edition,
Kolobok has been carefully translated into modern Russian, English,
Spanish and Chinese—especially for the enjoyment of children
ages 2-6, families speaking more than one language, and foreign
language learners of all ages!
From the dough I was made,
In the oven I was baked,
On the window I was bored,
Down the trail I jumped and rolled,
Clever Kolobok I’m called.
edition. Kolobok is printed in English but includes matching
captions printed in other languages on re-sealable stickers (at
the back of the book). The languages included in this multilingual
edition are Russian, Spanish and Chinese. To switch or add a language,
simply put the numbered stickers on top of the original printed
text. Also, included with this book is a CD containing a narration
of the story in each of the four languages. And finally, we have
provided a set of numbered blank stickers. We support and encourage
families to make use of this set; if you don’t find your native
language in this edition, you have the option of writing your own
translation on the blank stickers. This book is multilingual, and
we want you to treat it as such.
Softcover edition. Our softcover
edition is available in four languages: English, Spanish, Chinese
and Russian. Choose any two, or more, of these single-language versions
and read them one after another. |